女,博士,硕士生导师,江西省高层次海外人才。主持完成国家自然科学青年基金项目1项、江西省自然科学基金项目1项、江西省社科规划项目1项、江西省高校人文社科项目1项。出版全英文学术专著1部;参编世界著名出版社(Springer)出版的外文学术专著 2 部;以第一作者或通讯作者在国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文10余篇。
2015.10-2016.09,日本广岛大学,国际协力研究科交通工程系,博士后,合作导师:张峻屹,藤原章正,Funck Carolin
[1] 城市交通与土地利用规划
[2] 城市居民居住地选择与交通行为学研究
[3] 城市人口移动学研究
[4] 运输经济
[1] 2021年度江西省“高层次和急需紧缺海外人才”称号
[2] 2018年度华东交通大学“天佑教学新星”
[3] 2016-2017学年华东交通大学“优秀本科专业导师”
[1] 我国中型城市建成环境对居民住址选择及出行行为的影响研究(51708218),国家自然基金项目(青年基金),23万,2018.1.1-2020.12.31,主持完成
[2] 我国城市慢行交通系统的适老性规划与建设研究(20181BAA208013),江西省自然基金项目(一般项目),6万,2018.1.1-2020.12.31,主持完成
[3] 大型铁路客站站域空间规划与设计研究 (20212BCJ25022),江西省高层次和急需紧缺海外人才项目,6万,2022.1.1-2023.12.31,主持
[4] 适老性城市的出行空间规划与设计研究(17BJ17),江西省社科规划项目,1万,2018.1.1-2019.12.31,主持
[5] 大型铁路客站站域空间规划与设计研究(GL21213),江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目,1万,2021.1.1-2023.12.31,主持
[1] 熊钰冰,张峻屹. Effects of Land Use and Transport on Quality of Life: A Life-oriented Behavioral Analysis, 西南交通大学出版社,2021.
[1] Yubing Xiong, Qing-Chang Lu, Yuting Hu. Elderly Fitness-Oriented Urban Street Design: Case Study in Nanchang, China, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2020, 146(1): 0-05019021.
[2] Xiong Yubing, Zhang Junyi. Effects of land use and transport on young adults’ quality of life, Travel Behaviour and Society, 2016, 5: 37-47.
[3] Xiong Yubing, Zhang Junyi, Kayama Yuki. Disentangling the young adults’ residential relocation choice in Japan., Journal of Asian Transport Studies, 2016, 4(1): 78-95.
[4] Zhang Junyi, Xiong Yubing. Effects of Multifaceted Consumption on Happiness in Life: A Case Study in Japan based on An Integrated Approach., International Review of Economics, 2015, 62(2): 143-162.
[1] Zicong Luo, Yubing Xiong, Zecheng Xiong. Effects of Built Environment on People's Travel Behavior in Nanchang, China. The 5th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS). 2019.
[2] Yubing Xiong, Junyi Zhang, Examining the impacts of diverse self-selections on people’s life choices: A life-oriented behavioral analysis. Proceedings of Infrastructure and Planning, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 53, Hokkaido, Japan, 2016, May 28-29.
[3] Yubing Xiong, Junyi Zhang, A life-course investigation of young adults’ residential relocation choices associated with living environment in Japan. Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C., USA, 2016, January 10 – 14.
[4] Yubing Xiong, Junyi Zhang, How Migration Patterns over Life Course Affect People's Quality of Life?. Proceedings of Infrastructure and Planning, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 52, Akita, Japan, 2015, November 21-23.
[5] Yubing Xiong, Junyi Zhang, A panel analysis of the dynamics of residential choices and travel behavior in response to other life consumption choices: A structural equation model. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 415-422, Hong Kong, China, 2014, December 13 – 15.
[6] Yubing Xiong, Junyi Zhang, Explore the influence of young children on women’s job participation and health behavior. Proceedings of Infrastructure and Planning, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 49, Sendai, Japan, 2014, June 7-8.
[7] Yubing Xiong, Junyi Zhang, How residential environment and travel behavior influence people’s life satisfaction? - A Bayesian network analysis. Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C., USA, 2014, January 12 – 16.
[8] Yubing Xiong, Junyi Zhang, Systematic Approaches for Tourism Transportation Planning: A Review. Proceedings of Infrastructure and Planning, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 47, Hiroshima, Japan, 2013, June 1-2.
主讲本科生《运输经济学》《交通概论》《International Logistics》等课程;主讲硕士生《GIS地理信息系统》《交通调查方法学基础》等课程。