2013年09 月-2016年6 月,华东交通大学,硕士研究生
2016年09 月-2021年9 月,西南交通大学,博士研究生/工学博士
[1] 江西省自然科学基金面上项目,高速铁路周期声学边界对轨道噪声的影响研究,2023/01-2025/12, 10万,主持,在研.
[2] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,高速铁路轮轨噪声对车外环境和车体表面的贡献研究, 2023/10-2026/10,8万,主持,在研.
[3] 横向项目,城市轨道交通轨道振动测试及安全运营评估技术研究, 2022/01-2022/12,38万,主持,结题.
[1] Gong Cheng, Qingsong Feng, Xiaozhen Sheng, Shuming Zhang, Ping Lu. Using the 2.5D FE and transfer matrix methods to study ground vibration generated by two identical trains passing each other [J]. Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 114: 495-504.
[2] Cheng G, Liu Q, Lai X, Feng Q, Lei X. A frequency-domain simulation method for the evolution of rail corrugation in curves[J]. Wear, 2024: 205323.
[3] Gong Cheng, Yuanpeng He, Jian Han, Xiaozhen Sheng, D.J.Thompson. An investigation into the effects of modelling assumptions on sound power radiated from a high-speed train wheelset [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 495, 115910.
[4] Gong Cheng, Yuanpeng He. Discussion on “Eulerian models of the rotating flexible wheelset for high frequency railway dynamics” [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 489, 115666.
[5] Xiaozhen Sheng , Gong Cheng , D.J. Thompson. Modelling wheel/rail rolling noise for a high-speed train running along an infinitely long periodic slab track [J]. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020, 148(1).
[6] 成功,陈宗平,肖新标,等.低温条件对板式高速铁路轮轨滚动噪声的影响研究[J].机械工程学报,2023,59(10):187-196.
[7] 陈宗平,成功,圣小珍.高速铁路扣件系统高频动态特性研究[J].机械工程学报,2023,59(16):147-156.
[8] 圣小珍, 成功, D J Thompson, 葛帅. 轮轨噪声预测模型研究进展. 交通运输工程学报, 2021, 21(3): 20-38.
[9] 冯青松, 成功. 波数有限元法分析频率域内无砟轨道刚度的动力特性[J].铁道学报, 2017, 39(12): 102-107.
[10] Shuming Zhang, Gong Cheng, Xiaozhen Sheng , D.J. Thompson. Dynamic wheel-rail interaction at high speed based on time-domain moving Green's functions [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 488:115-632.
[11] Yuanpeng He, Gong Cheng, Xiaozhen Sheng. Modelling noise radiation from concrete box girder bridges as an infinitely long periodic structure excited by a high-speed train [J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2021, 143(3).
[12] 葛帅, 成功, 圣小珍, 史佳伟. 旋转对阻尼车轮降噪效果的影响分析 [J]. 机械工程学报, 2021, 57(04): 164-173.
[13] 葛帅, 成功, 圣小珍, 赵延垒. 周期性对车轮振动响应的影响 [J]. 噪声与振动控制, 2020, 40(6):144-147.
Yuhao Peng, Xiaozhen Sheng, Gong Cheng. Modellling track and ground vibrations for a slab ballastless track as an infinitely long periodic structure